Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I so wanted to write about my trip to Colorado. This is downtown Carbondale, Colorado on the west side of the Rockies. My sister Leslie lives in this town which has grown since the last time I was here.I like the fact that she can walk to work, walk to town, to the library, and even the grocery store. I was here for over a week and 1/2, and I tried to squeeze in everything. We were in the little shops lining Main St. and I thought the colors of these stores seem so South West to me. It was a lovely day. Later that evening we went to see the movie "Buck" in the downtown theater. It was a true documentary on a "horse whisperer" who had worked with Robert Redford for the movie written by Nicholas Evans. Robert Redford is quoted in the movie saying that Buck  Brannaman is the real deal. It is an excellent movie, and teaches us the lesson that might does not make right, and yes you can tame a one year old colt in a six day period with patience and control.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Five Mistakes to Avoid on your Author Website

Five Mistakes to Avoid on your Author Website

If you are an author who wants to create your own home page, this is an interesting post. I wanted to use this blog to share information with writers. I hope this is helpful

Friday, February 05, 2010

The meeting of the Library Scribes will host author, Debra Gaskill, on Saturday, February 27 at 2 pm at the Tipp City Public Library. She has written a mystery novel about Southwest Ohio, and brings to the book her experience as a newspaper reporter for fifteen years. We look forward to bringing people to the library who are interested in writing and publishing. I am sure that Debra will have a lot to share about publishing her first novel.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hello library scribes, I will post some of the newest ideas for our writing group here. If you want me to post your writing to share with the group you can email me. We are going to meet in January on the 16th. We have four profiles and we are going to read what we have come up with to share with everyone. If poetry is your communication mode, do that. If you are an essayist, write an essay about these people. If you are a journalist, pretend you have meet these people at the scene of the crime. make it your own. whatever.